About Me

I made this blog as a way to record the events from my travels for the summer after I graduated from Utah Valley University. The first stop was Italy, then Austria, France, Amsterdam, and Korea.

When Professor Steve Bule first approached me about his study abroad program, it was Fall 2017. Work was definitely my main priority. I loved my job working for the Lancome counter at the mall and I couldn't see a world where my work would let me leave for a little over a month and let me have a job to return to. In January 2018, my position at Macy's was dissolved and I had passed up an opportunity to go it Italy and study in my field for nothing. For less than three months, I worked three jobs and still went to school full time. I was miserable.
At the end of the Spring semester, Steve asked me again if I would consider going on his study abroad. Immediately, I told him that I couldn't because of losing my job but he defended his argument by informing me of a family grant that I could apply for. I went home and cried about it to my mom. How could I possibly afford to go? With the program being over a year out, I had time to get my finances in order.
The next day, Macy's called and asked me to take my job back. It was as if the universe wanted me in Italy. I accepted and started saving immediately. In the Fall of 2018, I applied for the family scholarship. I thought I would get maybe a couple hundred in scholarship rewards; I wasn't planning on anything. One day in Institute, I got an email informing me that I had been awarded a large scholarship by the family--the largest award they had ever given. I sat in a bathroom stall and cried. This amount covered the program fees, which would only leave me responsible for flights, tuition, and spending money. I kept on saving.

Finally, I'm in Italy. I didn't think I would ever get here. This is my story.
