Things I Miss From Home

1. My pillow. It doesn't matter if the hotel has one; I want my own.
2. My boots. It has rained way more here than it was supposed to.
3. My extra toiletries
     a. shower gel
     b. loofah
     c. face masks
4. My air conditioning. Every bedroom is so stuffy in every hotel. It gets so hot!
5. Safe drivers. Italy makes Utah look tame.
6. Working WiFi. This page got created because uploading pictures to the blog is taking my entire lifetime.
7. My animals. My cat loved me so much.
8. My family. Obviously they're higher on the list, but ya know.
9. Bathrooms everywhere. You have to pay for a toilet in Italy and it might not even be good. They're hard to find too.
10. My blankets. Those were so soft.
11. The movie "Austenland." What a cinematic gift.
12. Being able to call my mom all the time FOR FREE.
13. My own bedroom. I like having a space of my own.
