Nami Island

The day after going to the cave, we took the long drive to Nami Island. I can't believe all the things that Korea has to offer! We took a boat to the island and the boat had flags from every country which was really cool to see.

On the island, there was a cute lily pond that had lots of lily pads. I bet that if someone were to belly flop on the little pond, they wouldn't even get wet with all the pads that are on the water. 

One of the funniest things we saw (and would talk about for weeks to come), was the group of white dogs. Kevin called this group of dogs the White Dog Support Group. They all had the same hair cut!

Something that was really fun was renting bikes to get around the island. Even though it was pretty hot, there were enough trees that we had shade for a bulk of the time. This picture isn't one of those times though. 

It was so fun to go to this beautiful island with my family. It was a beautiful day outside with so much to see and do. I'm glad we had the chance to go to Nami Island!
