Day Two of a Two Day Trip

With the decision made to be home earlier than planned for the family dog's surgery, we elected to spend the day doing rail bikes and a beach in the south of South Korea. When we got to the rail bikes, it was discovered that it was more expensive than planned; the kids were so excited to go to the beach that we skipped the rail bikes and went down to the water. 

On a sort of pier-like structure, there were these cement shapes that looked like jacks-the game where you drop a ball and have to pick up all of the jacks before the ball hit the ground a second time. They made for some pretty cool pictures!

With the kids now at the water, we were in hot pursuit of water toys. Luckily, we found a place that rented out giant floaties. There was even a flamingo! The girls all took turns on the flamingo, though there were enough donut shaped floaties to go around. Big Sis loved to give the younger girls rides on the floaties! Monster stayed in the shade of an umbrella and played in the sand.

Everyone loved these claw treats!

After a few hours, it was time to start heading home. Since the kids were in wet swimsuits, we made a makeshift changing room. How inventive!

While we were waiting for everyone to get ready to go, these wall murals made for super cute pictures with Little A and her friend!

There were a few errands I wanted to run and time was running out. When we got back to the base, Sister Walker and I ran down to the SED to pick up some things I needed. The entire time I was abroad, my mom reminded me to pick her up some socks from Korea. Since I'd be in the area, Heather insisted that I pick up some macaroons.

Monster was really excited to try his macaroon.

We picked up some dinner at the BX and once everyone had eaten, Kevin took some of the kids to visit the dog Bailey. With the older kids gone, we headed to the car and squeezed everyone in.

Big Sis was so worried about Bailey that it must have been such a relief to finally see her!

Brother Walker offered to watch the kids who were still at home while Heather, Sister Walker, and I had one last round of karaoke down in the SED.

One of the songs we had sung was Total Eclipse of the Heart. We definitely had a laugh when we saw this picture and thought of the line from the song "turn around bright eyes."

We knew that Kevin & co. would be home soon so we had a mad dash for home to get the Monster and Little A ready for bed. We didn't quite make it in time, but it sure was a good try. Once the kids were in their rooms for the night, Heather and I couldn't stop laughing about nothing in particular. Somehow, we made the decision to go to a late night showing of the new Spiderman: Far from Home. Kevin was hesitant since we had such a long day already but eventually, he agreed to join us. 

The cool part about movie theaters on US Air Force Bases is before a movie begins, the National Anthem plays. After the Star Spangled Banner, the Korean National Anthem plays. It was really neat to see that happen.

The movie was one of the best Spiderman movies I've seen but toward the end of the film, Heather started getting a wild migraine. What a bummer! 

It was close to midnight and time for bed when we finally headed home. Each of us were exhausted but it was a fun final hurray for such a long trip. 
