Little A's Baptism

Of all the things I did and saw this summer, one of my favorite's was being able to see Little A's baptism. She was really excited to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost to the point where she was just jumping up and down! What beautiful enthusiasm. 

This is the sweetest picture captured on her special day. Just look at how much Kevin loves his daughter! 

Since her baptism was held directly after church, the entire branch stayed to show their support. I really love wards held outside of Utah, especially this military branch. You can just tell how much they care about each other. It was as if nothing changed when members of the church were asked to minister because it was so much of who they already were.

I loved listening to Big Sis and M&M play their instruments as Little A and Kevin got dressed after her baptism. These two sisters are so musically gifted. The mornings in Korea were my favorite because they were required to practice; Big Sis memorized a part of Vivaldi's Four Seasons which is one of my favorites! I wish I practiced harder with my music, for sure.

It was such a blessing to be able to be a part of Little A's baptism. Her cute dress is known as a Korean Hanbok, which is a dress intended for special occasions and this definitely was one!
